Saturday, June 21, 2014

Update from the camp lyfe (and happy Snowball Saturday!)

Whew! This week was definitely a whirlwind of activity. We had our first week with campers up at Camp Ojibway where I work, and I had a cabin of 12 energetic and fun 2nd-4th grade gals. If you would like to read more about what we were up to that week, you can read all about it on the camp's blog! I thank God for my two CITs (Counselors In Training) who were there to help me keep our cabin full of campers happy and safe--I could NOT have done it without you guys! As you can see, we all made it home in one piece, smelly but happy :)

This will be my third summer of working at Camp Ojibway, and it seems to me that every week brings with it different challenges and surprises. This week was definitely a learning experience, and after some time of reflection, I learned a few important things.

On the second night of camp, there was a power outage that had some of the campers scared and left most of the staffers rather frazzled as we worked to adapt our schedule to accommodate for the lack of electricity. As I put my campers to bed, I was preoccupied with thoughts of what would happen if the power could not be restored by the next morning. However, after my campers went to bed and I went to a meeting with the rest of the staff, the camp lit up around 11:00pm. We were all so relieved and excited! Later that night, I was reflecting on the 5 hours we spent in the dark, and how much I was worried about tomorrow and failed to trust in God to provide for every need we had that night. It's not like God had forgotten us. As Jesus said in Matthew, "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father" (10:29). How much more will he attend to our needs, despite our doubts and concerns! He definitely taught me a lesson in trust that night.

After the week was over, I was thinking about all the difficulties that came with having a large cabin of young campers. It was difficult for me to feel like I could counsel that many girls very well. This may have been due to several reasons: I had a hard time giving each of my campers the one-on-one attention that they should get from their counselor. My drive to be consistent in the way I treated each of my campers may have kept the few that really needed special attention from getting it. But while it is easy to only focus on the difficulties that any camp counselor faces, it also highlights my need to point campers to God, because I cannot be all things for them, and I certainly cannot be everywhere at once, but God can. My prayer after reflecting on this week would be that God would be teaching me to be less self-reliant and to lean on him to be my strength and the true refuge to whom I should be pointing the campers. What a valuable lesson.
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
but let him who boasts boast about this:
That he understands and knows me,
that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness,
justice, and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,"
declares the Lord.
--Jeremiah 9:23-24

I would definitely value your prayers as the summer continues. Pray that the staff would continue to bond and take advantage of good communication to make things flow easily. Pray for energy for work crew and counselors alike, and for wisdom for our counselors as they will be meeting their campers for the week and want to help them to have a fun and meaningful camp experience! I would also appreciate prayers as I continue to balance working at camp with my fundraising efforts.
I have already been so blessed by the outpouring of prayerful and financial support that I have received in the past month. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to send encouraging emails, snail, mail, and texts! Your words are extremely encouraging.
(You can take a peek at my fundraising page for updates on that front!)


Speaking of FUNDRAISING, I have a new way for all of you, my dear readers, to celebrate Snowball Saturday: You can invite your friends and family to Pizza Fundraiser that I will be hosting at Davanni's in Richfield!
Check out the event on Facebook and RSVP
But if you are opposed to Facebook, you can also RSVP by email at :)
And here are the deets:
Where: Davanni's Pizza in Richfield (6345 Penn Ave S, Richfield 55423)
When: Wednesday, July 16 from 5:00pm - 9:00pm
What you need: Everyone planning to attend needs a special coupon, which they will give to the cashier when they pay for their order. Davanni's will donate 20% of their "coupon sales" towards my fundraising total! I hope to hand out coupons at Hope Church and email out printable coupons a few days before the event.
If you would like to receive the coupon by email, let me know by sending me a quick email. That would be super helpful!


Last but not least, I hope to update the "Got Miles?" page before I go to sleep tonight. I apologize for the delay in giving those details if you have been wondering how to donate miles. Life has been a little crazy, and I didn't have a lot of time to touch my blog while I was at camp (go figure...)

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Happy Snowball Saturday! (round 2) + an update

Hi all,

I'd like to wish you all a very merry Snowball Saturday! It's that time of the week again. If you would still like to help me celebrate this very special occasion, I wrote down a few ideas in my last post. Basically, this is meant to be a very easy way for my readers to help me out by telling others about the mission of Wycliffe and specifically what I'll be up to this year. Wycliffe's mission is to make sure that every person in every nation can have access to the word of God. I will be joining this mission in Benin by helping to produce audio and video renditions of the scriptures they are translating into local dialects there.
All you have to do is think of just one friend to whom you could mention this mission, and take a second with that person to pray for Wycliffe and for me as I pursue this calling. If this effort is surrounded in prayer, I am confident that this calling will come to fruition according to God's will :)

Now for an update!
You may have noticed at the top that I've added a couple of new pages (yay!). The ever-so-creatively named "What I'll Be Doing" page gives a brief description of what I will most likely be helping to accomplish while I'm in Benin. The "Got Miles?" page is for anyone who might be interested in donating frequent flyer miles towards my airline ticket to Benin. If you are a frequent flyer with Delta, check back for more info on how you could contribute! I still need to update that page. I've been addressing a lot of envelopes recently, haha.

Which brings me to my next piece of news... I sent out the rest of my letters today--praise God! Thank you to my mother for getting them printed and helping me fold all of them. I have already been so blessed at the response I've received from people who have heard about my plans. I've gotten a few phone calls, Facebook messages, and emails... Thank you, thank you for taking the time to send a kind word. It made my day!

Finally, you can look forward to details on other fundraising events and fun opportunities to contribute that will soon be in motion... do I smell pizza? ;)

This week I'll be praying for my brother David and his fiancé (that's right, FIANCE!) as they continue their adventures in Europe (that's right, EUROPE!). Prayers for safety are always in order when travel is involved, but also that stress would not be a part of their fun daily activities as they transition smoothly from one glorious adventure to the next. Love you guys!