Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Ephesians 6:15
"...and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace."

This verse. Too often I read it without thinking about its implications, but the implications can be so liberating. I'll begin by saying that I think this verse finally clicked for me when I realized what it doesn't say.

This verse does not say "...and with your feet fitted with the readiness of having the most expensive and top-rated adventure sandals, complete with toe protector!" It also doesn't say "the readiness of memorizing the lonely-planet guide backwards and forwards, of foreseeing every situation and knowing how to respond." It also doesn't say "the readiness of taking all the pertinent self-defense classes." And finally, it doesn't say "the readiness of having it all together and being practically perfect in every way."

On that last one, I think it's good and healthy to remember that no human is perfect. I love the words of C. S. Lewis. In his book Mere Christianity, he writes that "we make ourselves enemies to [God] every day, and are not in the least likely to do any better tomorrow...." He's not talking about non-believers. He's talking, in his wonderful matter-of-fact tone, about all of humanity. Falling short of who we were created to be is part of being human. But he also writes that "the only fatal thing is to sit down content with anything less than perfection." The other option is not to strive for perfection at all. It is to ask God to make us perfect. And then Lewis imagines God's response: "If you let me, I will make you perfect. The moment you put yourself in My hands, that is what you are in for.... But I will not do anything less."

God intends to take us on a journey that will do nothing less than make us perfect like his own son, and he will not protect us from anything that will ultimately bring us closer to that goal. And yet humans mistakenly believe they can ever in their lives be ready for such a journey, all by themselves and by their own doing.

But somewhere between the insects in my bed, wringing the last of my laundry between aching fingers, and passing through muddy lakes where the streets used to be, I came to rest at the conclusion that there is no way I could possibly be totally ready for this.

There are parts of moving to this new place that have been unexpectedly easy, and others that have been surprisingly hard. But even if going to live in Africa for 10 months sometimes makes me think that I've probably lost my mind, I have peace knowing that God's promises are true, and he intends to accomplish something good in me through my time here.

There are a lot of things I could say about God working in my life in the past two years alone. Two years ago, I would not have seen myself being called to international missions. Not that I was opposed to it, I just didn’t see myself doing it personally! So just thinking how he changed all that and led me to where I am now is incredible to think about.

This whole journey up until now has taught me about recognizing and being obedient to God’s call. In fact, the more I do here, the more I realize it’s totally not about my abilities, talents, or what I think I might be good at. It’s just about God using me as his instrument, and he has given me a certain set of experiences and gifts to make me fit for the job. There are plenty of moments when I think to myself, “I have no idea what I’m doing, I am going to fail!” Those blessed moments of discouragement only renew my confidence in the knowledge that God is strong when I am weak. This assurance encourages me, and instances become fewer and fewer when I'm tempted to flee from a challenge.

Our readiness has nothing to do with being prepared, and everything to do with God's power, which makes it possible to be at peace in any situation. It's also interesting that this readiness of the gospel of peace covers the feet. If my feet are ready, it means it's time to move. No more being content with my old mediocre and temporary existence. God says, "No time to sit around, I have some refining to do in you!" But while the journey isn't always restful, we always have access to peace.

"...people quite often do what seemed impossible before they did it. It is wonderful what you can do when you have to." --C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


  1. GREAT blog Ms Kate! It sounds like The Lord is teaching you many important "life skills" these days! Isn't it wonderful??

    Blessings on your day!

    1. Thanks Sheryl! I hope you're doing well :)

  2. You are a gifted writer Kate! The apple certainly didn't fall far from the tree in your case! ;) Your faith is a blessing to many including me.


  3. I think I needed to hear this today, Kate: "Our readiness has nothing to do with being prepared, and everything to do with God's power, which makes it possible to be at peace in any situation." Thanks for sharing what God is showing you!

    1. I'm glad it was meaningful for you! Sending hugs :)
